資金充足的東方表行(398)計劃回購股份 股價隨即大升 但為何要出價每股3元這麼高 又為何要事先張揚搶高股價 反正無意高追 吾明就吾買吧! 想起網友[student]愛股 迪生創建(113)現金更多到瀉 或許更具相關舉動條件.
一早就去晨運 可能下過微雨關係 空氣好了些 後輩想參加新股抽獎遊戲 反正都係一手黨兼無手續費 我話玩下也無妨 新客這麼多優惠 真不知股票行怎去營運 正常佣金似有若無 或可能孖展息差夠大吧! 但這亦會增加紀經行的風險 但有半球保障 https://www.hkicc.org.hk/faqs/main_c.htm 都無乜需要擔心 大戶會光顧大行或圍內經紀行 小戶會幫襯低佣行 銀行的股票服務客源將大量流失 將又了少行經常收入.
剛看了半澤直樹2第八集 有否日本通網友可告之 日本上司真的這麼殘忍對待下屬😂
你既問題, 呢度同樣有人問 : https://www.zhihu.com/question/21679269
回覆刪除劇集既野, 好多係吸引眼球, 唔使太認真 :)
刪除398 呢度唔知你有無睇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj8WvQdSO2E
刪除其實佢對股東都比較好, 派息有拾幾厘, 回購價又高, 而家經濟差唔多到左谷底, 另外可能街貨唔多, 明顯益大股東. 黎緊 rolex 有新系列出, 話要訂都要等2年; 佢地D錶, 存貨都升緊值, 公司理應唔錯.
刪除Billy Sir,
回覆刪除Good morning.
I have sold all 100,000 shares 398.HK @HK$2.50 yesterday.
398.HK only wants to buy back 83M shares @HK$3 from all shareholders, yet its issued capital is around 570M shares!
This policy was adopted by 133.HK in 2013 (bought back 7.9M shares @HK$20.94).
"If" I am the financial consultant of 398.HK, I would suggest 398.HK do "share buybacks" at open market. I think it can use lesser company money to buy back roughly same shares, ... even it cannot buy 83M shares, I guess buying 50M shares at average cost < HK$2.50 is likely to achieve nowaday.
Of course I am not the financial consultancy!
I buy 10,000 shares 2628.HK @HK$18.14 in this morning.
I still have a little 113.HK. At 31Mar2020, 113.HK's "net cash per share" = 22.63/3.9423 = HK$5.74 per share (out of NAV @HK$7.54 per share). It should be making loss in recent months, but I believe Sir Dickson Poon and so I think it can still pay around 10%p.a. dividends in coming few years.
Let's see what shall happen.
Btw, China GaYau!
刪除Same words I told Mr.JY
刪除Why not slowly repurchase at low prices, anyway, the control is in hand, what is the management anxious?
終於見識到student 兄的買賣, 利害
刪除Billy Sir, i want borrow a place here~ thanks!
刪除Student Sir, I also hold some 398 and still no sell, i cant understand why not wait until $3 to sell? But my cost is high, around $2.3x ~~ thanks for your time ^^