股價由10元急升到100元 好多投資者會覺得升得太高 不敢去追 但一旦股價調整至70元 就會覺得好抵要去買. 公司天時 地利 人和 都齊晒 股價升了一倍約20元時覺貴 公司條件無大變動下 股價調整到70元或30% 就覺買得過 真不知係基於何因?
下個交易天恆指成份股就要換馬完成 今天下午看有冇平貨執 昨晚納指終有像樣的調整 這對[香港納指]影響多少 好快就知 3032真有點生不逢時!
後記: 剛開市 華夏恆生科技(3088)報9.33元或跌4.2%. 今天新上市的恆生科技ETF(3032)報7.405元. 調整較美國納指輕微.
接刀當然困難, 但$10元升到$100, 任何一點進入都能贏錢, 所以要學習找出這類股票.
刪除We hope 001.HK (now around HK$50) will go to HK$500(Dream price)!
回覆刪除001.HK have many hidden assets!
hidden assets in Horizons Ventures only😂 Unfortunately, we got 001.
刪除Some are already ready for independent listings, so that 001.HK would have extraordinary gains, and its NAV(now around HK$120) should be subject to revaluation.
刪除Be optimistic!
disappointed but not surprised😒
刪除P.S. 001.HK shall be ex. div. on Monday @HK$0.614/share, and pay us cash dividend on 17Sep2020. ^_^