座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
AEON(900)半年業績純利跌去20% 此乃非戰之罪 難得仍能維持中期息0.22元 對股東已算有所交待 集團溢利每股0.3639元 即仍末派盡 而已撇賬亦有1831萬元能追回 今期撇賬1.4億元 比上年同期增加1583萬元 在此困境也該明解 集團作風 往績派息紀錄 管治水平 均極為良好 高於8%的穩定股息亦超吸引 定要雞蛋裏挑骨頭會係規模風險 市值少了點.
現價5.11元 市盈率5.78倍 股息率8.6% 市值21.4億元.
Billy Sir,900.HK is not a small potato! In recent years, it earned HK$300M~HK$400M per year. 900.HK focus on local credit cards related businesses, ... better than those big sized banks with diversified loss-making businesses!Besides, its balance sheet is readable and is very healthy.^_^
P.S. I still have a little of it. I think it is much undervalued.
student sir, which stock you holding in largest amount now?
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除900.HK is not a small potato! In recent years, it earned HK$300M~HK$400M per year.
900.HK focus on local credit cards related businesses, ... better than those big sized banks with diversified loss-making businesses!
Besides, its balance sheet is readable and is very healthy.
P.S. I still have a little of it. I think it is much undervalued.
刪除student sir, which stock you holding in largest amount now?