座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
集團主業為衛星及航天科技相關服務 筆者話懂你都不會信 就只好依年報直說。現價2.4元 市盈率8.46倍 股息率10.2% (其中0.205元未期息六月六日才除淨) 巿值22.3億元。亞太衛星(1045)往績頗為善待少股東 派息有增無減 好息者適量買入也無妨 當然行業頗為專門 外行人甚難了解 若想重注者要三思。
If 1918.HK need urgent money to survive, it may have to sell its subsidiary 1516.HK.If so, 1516.HK may be sold at a certain premium.In short, 1516.HK should be much better/safer than 1918.HK.
forget it
My suggestion is: 1918.HK shareholders "may" consider selling 1918.HK and switching the money to 1516.HK. For those investors not interesting in any of them, who cares? ^^
刪除If 1918.HK need urgent money to survive, it may have to sell its subsidiary 1516.HK.
回覆刪除If so, 1516.HK may be sold at a certain premium.
In short, 1516.HK should be much better/safer than 1918.HK.
forget it
刪除My suggestion is: 1918.HK shareholders "may" consider selling 1918.HK and switching the money to 1516.HK.
刪除For those investors not interesting in any of them, who cares? ^^