座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
一早去晨運 天氣凍了好多 會所設施又關半個月 有閘的公園都關埋 只好去無閘的。稍後開市 或會為模擬倉減磅 雖是模擬倉 筆者也會認真對待 無理由實際倉這麼瘦 模擬倉這麼胖 星期三老美公佈通賬數據 或許會有逼使聯儲局提早加息的可能 而長債息亦曾升穿1.8% 杜指跌百餘點 納指微升幾點 夜期好似不妥 恆指稍後開市才知 總之輕磅應對就最為合理 廣告話銀行高息搶客 但限制多多 實益有限 開個新戶口成句鐘 都係費事煩。
At present market prices, and on basic accounting valuation: 1161.HK and 1830.HK, which is better?(1161.HK still has final dividend @HK0.165/share to be ex. div. on 22Feb2022.)
P.S. Both of them are local "light-asset" stocks.
At present market prices, and on basic accounting valuation: 1161.HK and 1830.HK, which is better?
回覆刪除(1161.HK still has final dividend @HK0.165/share to be ex. div. on 22Feb2022.)
P.S. Both of them are local "light-asset" stocks.