座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
大家都預了加息期將至 息差會擴闊 有利銀行股 但加息亦有可能令經濟放緩 懷賬增加 但炒股不用太關注這些 最重要是預計投資者怎樣看。騰訊明天除淨 想收京東股票者 最後今天 杜指跌逾五百點 港股都有得升 都算有所交待 油價高升 大行又唱好 3桶油盈利當然會水脹船高 但筆者不大相信油價能維持長期升勢 因全球兩大產油國 美、俄都窮得肯 再升必會增產賺多些 當然由筆者這個外行人把口講出 可信性如何? 閣下自己判斷啦!
I am optimistic in future China economy,... I mean in the coming 3 to 13 years(2025~2035). We local individual investors have to think what would be the "Chinese Common Prosperity" in the future.^^
On the contrary, I am quite pessimistic about future america economy. It seems that they have no ability to have healthy lifestyle.
I think so
I am optimistic in future China economy,... I mean in the coming 3 to 13 years(2025~2035).
回覆刪除We local individual investors have to think what would be the "Chinese Common Prosperity" in the future.^^
On the contrary, I am quite pessimistic about future america economy. It seems that they have no ability to have healthy lifestyle.
刪除I think so