Besides "Bank balances & cash", 113.HK also have "Other financial assets" amounted HK$1.73B at 30/6/2021.
I wish 113.HK:~
1. settles all its bank borrowings.
2. sell out all "Other financial assets", i.e. realizes them into cash.
3. retains around HK$0.8B bank balances/cash(i.e. around HK$2/share) as operating cash flow; and pays the remaining bank balances/cash as special cash dividends(i.e. around HK$7.7/share).
Besides "Bank balances & cash", 113.HK also have "Other financial assets" amounted HK$1.73B at 30/6/2021.
回覆刪除I wish 113.HK:~
1. settles all its bank borrowings.
2. sell out all "Other financial assets", i.e. realizes them into cash.
3. retains around HK$0.8B bank balances/cash(i.e. around HK$2/share) as operating cash flow; and pays the remaining bank balances/cash as special cash dividends(i.e. around HK$7.7/share).
If so, all shareholders would be ^__^
刪除1. 113.HK's interim dividend @HK$0.08/share shall be received on Friday(21Jan2022).
2. 626.HK's final dividend @HK$0.15/share shall be ex. div. on 24Jan2022, i.e. 1 week later.
星加坡政府投資基金GIC(不是淡馬錫)一月份減持780萬股788,每股0.9元,仍持有7%,去年十二月以每股1元買入六百多萬股,應該是止蝕,同樣是一買一賣728, GIC則賺了幾個%,gic持有八十多隻港股,持股最多三隻分別是728,386,788同埋ESR,每隻市值30至60億,其中728,386是網友推薦的高息愛股。