941.HK claims that it could buy only after 7Feb2022. Why it speaks out aloudly 1 month before? If the market price raised to HK$58/share, would 941.HK still exercises share buybacks?
Btw, 728.HK had issued A share @RMB4.53/share(approx.=HK$5.50) on 20Aug2021. I also want it buys back its H share(now only HK$2.71) ... it is so sad!^^
941.HK claims that it could buy only after 7Feb2022.
回覆刪除Why it speaks out aloudly 1 month before?
If the market price raised to HK$58/share, would 941.HK still exercises share buybacks?
Btw, 728.HK had issued A share @RMB4.53/share(approx.=HK$5.50) on 20Aug2021. I also want it buys back its H share(now only HK$2.71) ... it is so sad!^^
刪除29/4/2021 Shareholders Annual General Meeting approved such resolution of 10% share buybacks.
24/5/2021 Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting for Proposed RMB Share Issue (It started the procedure of A share listing.)
Why 941.HK not bought back any share from 30Apr ~ 23May2021?
Before 7Feb2022 941 has no right to buy back share because of the regulations of A share listing.
回覆刪除I know this point.
刪除941.HK today announcement had mentioned about this.
But is it necessary for 941.HK to speak it out aloud today?
The market price will most likely be raised up in tomorrow then.
It seems to me that 941.HK is not really want to exercise such "share buybacks".
941回購h股最少比728回購a股聰明,但這些授權每年都有, 但管理層很少執行。
回覆刪除941我沽了 這只股高沽低買 近年吃了多轉
刪除買股目的得一個 就係賺錢。其他甚麼策略都只是手段 賺多賺少 除了投資功力及 知識外 運氣和性格都係關健所在 況且香港股票好難賺到大錢 我職得的得兩個 而買樓賺幾百的 就通街都係。