炒股第一戒律 要學識認輸 當年八號仔電盈及五號仔匯豐 都股價大跌 但輸得最慘的 近乎全在衰溝貨 這歷史又再重演 主角換了是阿里巴巴。肺腑之言 若某股持貨量已超出你的承受力 更[扺]也不要再增持。買錯股不會輸死人 喪溝貨才會。阿里現價我也覺得好超值 但見個勢太弱 也只好忍手 不過你若無貨去買一注作貨底 我也無意見。
上月16日傳雷蛇管理層擬以每股4元對公司提出私有化。但今天佈告終出台 私有化價僅為每股2.82元 又給小股民上多一課。
阿里巴巴(9988)現價121.3元 巿盈率14.7倍 市值26033億元。
雷蛇(1337)現價2.39元 巿盈率308倍 市值209億元。
For those "nil dividend" + "high PB" stocks, even they are "expected" would have high profit growth in "future", I don't suggest investors, especially those "not full day" individual investors, using the "buy & hold" strategy.
回覆刪除We can buy, but we should always keep our mind to sell them at suitable times.
That just like my retired father, who bought JD HEALTH (6618.HK) at $110, and too stubborn to admit his mistake and cut loss. Some people will never learn so they should not invest in stock market.
刪除the old man always stubborn , just like me
刪除say hello to your dad for me
刪除>炒股第一戒律:買錯股不會輸死人 喪溝貨才會!