座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
當我們不解為何合生創展集團(00754.HK)資金充足 卻要用8%高息發股債 取得19.4億元資金之時 卻又收到訊息 集團以約5億元用於回購合共1,883萬股股份。真令人摸不著頭腦 合生想幹甚麼? 但看來市場对此商業行動頗為正面 股價升了3.36% 現價17.2元 巿盈率3倍 股息率9% 市值409億元。
*昨晚上網申請商湯集團(020) 原來股票行已截票。
The average cost of these "share repurchases" was HK$26.38(now is just around HK$17).So, most "share repurchases" were done in Sep & Oct2021.754.HK discloses that it is cancelling these shares now.Without doubt, it had paid "relatively" higher costs!
What did he want ?
The average cost of these "share repurchases" was HK$26.38(now is just around HK$17).
回覆刪除So, most "share repurchases" were done in Sep & Oct2021.
754.HK discloses that it is cancelling these shares now.
Without doubt, it had paid "relatively" higher costs!
What did he want ?