
免責聲明:本網誌純屬個人文章, 所有評論全是表達個人意見, 絕對不應視作為投資見議. 本人同時不能保證文章內容的確實性. 讀者必須自行判斷和研究. 至於讀者的一切投資決定, 不論成敗得失. 一概與本人無關.



This information is 100% accurate very effective for everyone. Besides wearing masks and washing hands. We should gargle salt water three times a day. After that, drink warm water for five minutes because the vircus initially only attacks the throat. Then attack the lungs. When hit by salt water.The virus will die or descend and disintegrate in the stomach. This is one way to prevent Covid19. There is no medicine on the market. No need to buy. Before the corona/virus reaches the lung. The virus lives in the thorat for four days. At this time, the infected start to cough and sore throat. If you can drink as much warm water as possible can eliminate viruses. 

半夜三更收到海外親友寄給我這條防治冠狀肺炎祕方 坦白講我真的不相信 但用鹽水漱口及多飲溫水 本就對身體健康有利無害 寧可信其有又何妨一試.

我雖早已非童子 但仍記得童子軍格言 日行一善 而你有緣看到我的網誌 我就當你係朋友 希望有關資訊能幫到你. 

2 則留言:

  1. 應該對減上呼吸道感染有幫助,因自己在今次疫情期間,加強了在不同時間多喝温水,發覺比前少了呼吸道感染情況。

    1. 若然係要吃甚麼藥,我一定不會亂推介.
