座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
近期差不多所有財演都話你知 港股仍未脫險 要保守些為妙 但大鱷就往往喜與散戶对著幹 你看股王-騰訊(700)股價的波幅就知,散戶和大鱷鬥財技好蝕底,我就買些它們興趣不大的實力高息股,大鱷從不在乎股息收益,因在他們來說 炒賣才是正途。銀色iBond退款又多了批彈藥可用。我正在密切注意 越秀交通(1052),待稍後開市看否有入貨機會。國泰航空(293)看來財務上又出問題,真慘情 ! 這股我已多年不敢沾手,昨晚杜指升162點 ADR港股跌46點。
1052.HK 6-months earned RMB0.28,... assume full year will earn RMB0.28 x 2 = RMB0.56/share ... @ex. rate 1.19 = HK$0.67/share.Yesterday it closed at HK$4.13, so expected P/E maybe 4.13/0.67 = 6.16I think other same field stocks can also have similar P/E, or even lower than 6.16 in 2021, e.g. 995.HK; 107.HK; 576.HK.One weakness of 1052.HK is that it have high borrowings.
Btw, 1918.HK is ex. div.(@HK$2/share) today!^^
1052.HK 6-months earned RMB0.28,... assume full year will earn RMB0.28 x 2 = RMB0.56/share ... @ex. rate 1.19 = HK$0.67/share.
回覆刪除Yesterday it closed at HK$4.13, so expected P/E maybe
4.13/0.67 = 6.16
I think other same field stocks can also have similar P/E, or even lower than 6.16 in 2021, e.g. 995.HK; 107.HK; 576.HK.
One weakness of 1052.HK is that it have high borrowings.
Btw, 1918.HK is ex. div.(@HK$2/share) today!^^