
免責聲明:本網誌純屬個人文章, 所有評論全是表達個人意見, 絕對不應視作為投資見議. 本人同時不能保證文章內容的確實性. 讀者必須自行判斷和研究. 至於讀者的一切投資決定, 不論成敗得失. 一概與本人無關.



買入原因: 兩個月前主席以2.72元增持212萬股,涉資約577萬元 銀碼好小 但意義總是有些 PE2.23 Yield7% Nav11.83元. 看似超值 但無深究 信心不十足 小注買入過下心癮而矣!

2 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    242.HK is too much linking with tourism,... and such recovery is a little bit remote now.

    It also may involve family disputes ... anyway, wishing you successful.

    I see 878.HK major shareholder has acquired more shareholding recently, ... now very close to 75%(Upper Limit). I bought 3,000 shares to see what shall happen, ... thinking for medium term.
