座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
必瘦站(1830)中期收入減少28%至5.1億元; 純利減少44%至1.36億元; 期間收取政府補貼2702萬元; 中期息0.13元. 往績已顯示出必瘦站是間實幹企業 派息十分慷慨 奈何疫情橫行 行業只能慘淡經營 此乃非戰之罪. 集團手持現金8.5億元 應有能力捱過這難關 但買股票只想同甘 何必與它共苦.
現價3.42元 市盈率10.6倍 股息率9.94% 市值41.8億元.
1830.HK is now trading at around HK$3.50/share.But its NAV = HK$0.68/share only, while its total bank balances & cash(not yet excluding any liabilities) = HK$0.72/share only. It always pays cash dividends(from available bank balances & cash) more than what it earns(accounting profits).I feel 1830.HK is somewhat similar to previous years' 178.HK, but now 178.HK ... No more comments.######Btw, 1111.HK has conditions to be privatized, the broker "KGI Asia" is regularly buying it.^_^
too small size😒
1830 而家已經不得了
1830.HK is now trading at around HK$3.50/share.
回覆刪除But its NAV = HK$0.68/share only, while its total bank balances & cash(not yet excluding any liabilities) = HK$0.72/share only.
It always pays cash dividends(from available bank balances & cash) more than what it earns(accounting profits).
I feel 1830.HK is somewhat similar to previous years' 178.HK, but now 178.HK ...
No more comments.
Btw, 1111.HK has conditions to be privatized, the broker "KGI Asia" is regularly buying it.
too small size😒
刪除1830 而家已經不得了