若以現價4.97元計 2019年市盈率6.54倍 股息率7.84% 每股資產淨值7.06元. 今年受疫情影響 業績自然大受影響 甚至首次停派中期息.
看來集團業務正快速回復正常. 有耐性 有閑$的投資者 又有機會了.
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除The whole Mainland China economy is already recovered, but for 1052.HK :~
1. It was incurred net losses for 1st 6 months of 2019.
2. It has much more borrowings than 2 years ago.
3. Though I can't predict its final dividend amount, but its total yearly dividends should be lesser than previous year, i.e. dividend yield should be much lower than 7.8%.
Why not consider those China enterprises with healthy balance sheets and were still making net profits in Jan~Jun2020 ?
刪除1. It was incurred losses in first 6 months of "2020".
刪除I also concern 1052.HK's borrowings are much higher than before.
刪除I believe overall China economy is improving. Thus there should be many China companies with positive profit growths in the future.
刪除You may be right,... but "why not consider those China enterprises with healthy/strong balance sheets and were still making net profits in Jan~Jun2020" so that the coming 2020 final dividends are more certain than it ?
P.S. Right now, I am not recommending any stock name substituting for 1052.HK. Whether to sell it out or not should be left for its investors to make decision.
回覆刪除The comparative figures in Oct2020 were based on relatively low base numbers due to Traffic Control (Military Games held in Wuhan on 18~27Oct2019) as disclosed in its 27Nov2020 Announcement, so that there were high growth rates reported.
刪除I think investors have to see more months' figures.
刪除This is the fact,... and 1052.HK have both Wuhan and Guangdong businesses.
刪除Thanks for your sharing.
Have lunch first!
anyway 1052 not bad