座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
1883.HK is much undervalued when compares with 1310.HK & 6823.HK. Its dividend yield the highest and has a healthier balance sheet!^_^
I think 1883 is better
Those so called fund managers just prefer those so called "bigs" (big size cos.), but in fact HK stocks market have some "small size treasures".^_^
1883.HK is much undervalued when compares with 1310.HK & 6823.HK. Its dividend yield the highest and has a healthier balance sheet!
I think 1883 is better
刪除Those so called fund managers just prefer those so called "bigs" (big size cos.), but in fact HK stocks market have some "small size treasures".