座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
香港上市公司約兩千五百多家 主要分為科技、金融、地產、能源、製造、內需 六大板塊 而頭三大板塊卻主宰了整個大市的俘沉 人的精力有限 集中精力研究頭三大板塊自己最有把握一個的 應較為合理 有把握去賺一元 總好過無把握去博兩元.
阿里巴巴(9988)股價跌了9元 與其話受傳螞蟻上市受阻影響 不如話升得多後的合理調整. 閣下有無研究過螞蟻每年對阿里的盈利影響多少? 聯合地產(056)私人化若失敗 股價好大可能打回原形 貧不與富敵 股市亦無道理可言 何必和自己個荷包作對.
If I was shareholders of 056.HK or 373.HK, I would sell them all and buy 086.HK, i.e. to do "stocks switching" without adding new money. They are of same group. 373.HK holds 056.HK, and 056.HK holds 086.HK.086.HK's dividend yield doubles either 056.HK or 373.HK. Of course, now 056.HK shareholders can't do anything, but those 373.HK shareholders may consider this.Just my little thinkings.^_^
I am still waiting
Good Luck
If I was shareholders of 056.HK or 373.HK, I would sell them all and buy 086.HK, i.e. to do "stocks switching" without adding new money.
回覆刪除They are of same group. 373.HK holds 056.HK, and 056.HK holds 086.HK.
086.HK's dividend yield doubles either 056.HK or 373.HK.
Of course, now 056.HK shareholders can't do anything, but those 373.HK shareholders may consider this.
Just my little thinkings.
I am still waiting
回覆刪除Good Luck