有人話少時買匯豐 老來一埸空 一沉就百踩 現在人人都視匯豐是洪水猛獸 人人得以殊之般似的! 我八0年代就開始係匯豐股東 在那時總之想吾通買乜股 就去買匯豐 聖旦鐘就買匯豐 只要肯坐貨 記憶所及買/賣匯豐未輸過$ 但係在甚麼價買/賣就不記得 因它年年例牌送股 不是十送一 而多數是四送一 五送一 年年如此 直至九0年再止送 記得期後我也試過五元樓下買過 期後四合一 又一送三 即係成本約六元六角左右 現在甚麼眼淚價也有三十三元 不要忘記 匯豐僅一年前 仍出名高息 每年派四元股息也有好幾年 而近半世紀以來 匯豐就只有近三季不派息 而近期在匯豐 我也蝕去不少$ 的確有點氣結 但不會全都委過於人 當然世態炎涼 一沉就百踩 對人好對企業好 那有分別!
回覆刪除Billy Sir,
回覆刪除The problem is that HSBC "had not made loss" for past 1.5 years.
Principally it is earning HK profits, but it only obeys England government/regulations! Try thinking of the feelings of HK individual shareholders. (I have no 005.HK.)
Today 1113.HK's share price also reflects individual shareholders disappointment on its expected div. yield (3.x%p.a.) for 2020.
刪除001.HK is much better than 1113.HK.
刪除Not just with higher div. yield, 001.HK have diversified businesses ... of which CKH Europe Wireless Tower and Hutchison China MediTech are ready for listings independently. These are hidden assets of 001.HK!