管理層作風良好 管治水準專業 未聞有過欺負小般東的投訢.
財務極良好 債務淨額僅5.9% 屬最襟捱企業級別.
資產質素良好 有價有市 剛計劃出售太古城中心1期估值已達100億元 2020年6月底每股資產淨值48.52元 看來已屬保守.
現價21.5元 市盈率9.38倍 股息率4.09% 市值1257億元.
太地是好股兼抵買 應無人會質疑 但好股 抵買 股價亦未必會升.
後記: 太古地產(01972)公布,今年首9個月,太古廣場銷售額減少38.4%,太古城中心跌20.1%,東薈城減少20.8%。
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除014.HK has relatively lower PB and relatively higher dividend yield than 1972.HK. Besides, Swire Group has other old economy businesses, especially 293.HK. I don't know whether there might be any business reconstruction of the Group involving 1972.HK in the future.
Why not buy 014.HK first?
Btw, it seems that 811.HK(=601811.SH) had touched the bottom ...