座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
長輩以630萬元賣了個五百呎22年樓齡單位 換了個同區一手愈300萬元的百六呎開放式單位 來回套現近三球 買晒年金月收$20160 遲些做埋逆按了應有約$9000 生果金$1385 不用交租 以單身七十多歲老人家來說 應已足夠過著有尊嚴的生活了.
養兒防老已是歷史名詞 原來香港高樓價政策 也能惠及不少普通市民.
I am concerned 1. if inflation is high, the sum may not be adequate say 10 years later2. Medical expenditure can be hugh, and medical insurance would be expensive for his age
His financial situation is better than many elders.
Indeed. Congratulations to him.
本來住五百呎單位, 現在住百六呎開放式單位, 唔覺得有幾尊嚴.
I am concerned
回覆刪除1. if inflation is high, the sum may not be adequate say 10 years later
2. Medical expenditure can be hugh, and medical insurance would be expensive for his age
His financial situation is better than many elders.
刪除Indeed. Congratulations to him.
刪除本來住五百呎單位, 現在住百六呎開放式單位, 唔覺得有幾尊嚴.