座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
中移動(941)現價46.65元 巿盈率7.42倍 巿賬率0.69倍 股息率7.05% 市值9551億元。它具備管理專業水平高、業務穩定、 現金流強、 壞賬少、財務良好、有回A計劃及大到不能倒的優勢。 你何否話我知 它有甚麼隱憂令你卻步去買入作長線投資? 涉及民生不能有暴利? 投資5G需耗用大量資金? 發展已近飽和? 真不明解日日仍在燒銀紙的夢幻股就大把人買,年賺幾百億的優質企業卻被厭太悶。莫非投機者如女人,股票不壞,炒家不愛!
762.HK & 728.HK are more likely to acquire more market share and these customers are come from 941.HK, especially 728.HK.Btw, surprisingly Oil Price stands at >US$75! This reflects an even higher inflation has been approached.
Correction: >US$77!
I still perfer 941
762.HK & 728.HK are more likely to acquire more market share and these customers are come from 941.HK, especially 728.HK.
回覆刪除Btw, surprisingly Oil Price stands at >US$75! This reflects an even higher inflation has been approached.
Correction: >US$77!
刪除I still perfer 941