座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
我向來喜見到其他網友有好的投資成绩 若是事實 我可待其開心 若是誇張了 他會自我感覺良好 於我又全無損失 。我就寧願你作大話我知賺到多多 總好過說實話我知輸得好傷! 我喜歡看喜劇甚於悲劇 起碼給人多點正能量。
今天連跌磅有位俙客 I Bond4246 最新報103.5元 已連跌六日 這正好反影大戶預判息率必升 I Bond二手買/賣肯定非散戶所為。後市難測 見好就收 見低就買 量力而為 不用講係人都知 但知易行難呀!
I agree!^^Btw, 900.HK now is HK$5.05. If considering the interim dividend @HK$0.22/share to be received on 29/10/2021, it represents HK$5.27 before the ex. div. date(12/10/2021). This is not too bad.
More Btw: 728.HK shall announce its 9-months results in this evening.^^
I agree!^^
回覆刪除Btw, 900.HK now is HK$5.05. If considering the interim dividend @HK$0.22/share to be received on 29/10/2021, it represents HK$5.27 before the ex. div. date(12/10/2021). This is not too bad.
More Btw: 728.HK shall announce its 9-months results in this evening.^^