1.快手(1024)52週高位417.8元 現價88.75元 -78.7%。
2.阿里建康(241)52週高位30.15元 現價11元 -63.6%。
3.阿里巴巴(9988)52週高位309.4元 現價165元 -46.7%。
4.嗶哩嗶哩(9626)52週高位1052元 現價603.5元 -42.7%。
5.小米集團(1810)52週高位35.9元 現價22.35元 -37.8%。
6.美團(3690)52週高位460元 現價286.2元 -37.7%。
7.騰訊(700)52週高位775.5元 現價494.2元 -36.2%。
8.京東集團(9618)52週高位422.8元 現價321.4元 -24%。
Let's fact checks! From aastocks.com :~
回覆刪除1. Always making losses.
2. P/E = 339
3. Always no dividend.
4. Always making losses.
5. Always no dividend.
6. P/E = 296; 2021's 6-months incurred a significant loss.
7. Dividend Yield = 0.32%p.a.
8. Always no dividend.
In short, seems 700.HK is the best ... but even so, if you invest HK$100,000 on 700.HK, you would expect to receive annual dividends of HK$320(not yet deducting charges) only!
Will you feel comfortable tonight if you buy any of them at today's prices ?
I think 700, 9988, 9618 are reasonable