座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
1.加息期將至 令息差擴闊 對整個銀行業均屬有利 尤其是象匯控(005)般 擁有超厚客户存款的國際性大銀行。2.憧憬經濟回恢正常 舊有壞賬回撥及將來壞賬大减。3. PB僅0.62倍 股份回購 亦有利NAV增長。至於匯控持有兩項貴重資產 恒生銀行(佔62.14%)及交通銀行(19.03%) 前者為匯控主要的收入來源之一 不宜殺雞取卵 而後者則具策略意義 況且交銀股息率高達8.16%。
匯控現價45.8元 巿盈率31倍 股息率2.53% 市值9504億元。
Billy Sir, Good afternoon. My straight thinkings:~1. Even if an upward interest rate begins, how much borrowing interest rate % can america be suffered?2. 005.HK's 2021 6-months results already had significant bad debts provision be written back.3. If our market focus on PB + Dividend Yields, maybe 626.HK is the best among local listed banks. 4. Do you mean holding 3328.HK is better than holding 005.HK?
1.who know? 2.Maybe more 3. 626😂 4.No
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除Good afternoon. My straight thinkings:~
1. Even if an upward interest rate begins, how much borrowing interest rate % can america be suffered?
2. 005.HK's 2021 6-months results already had significant bad debts provision be written back.
3. If our market focus on PB + Dividend Yields, maybe 626.HK is the best among local listed banks.
4. Do you mean holding 3328.HK is better than holding 005.HK?
1.who know? 2.Maybe more 3. 626😂 4.No