座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
017.HK paid same interim div.(@HK$0.14/share) as last year.But 016.HK paid more interim div.(@HK$1.25/share) than last year(@HK1.20/share). If 017.HK also pay same final div. as last year, while 016.HK more final div., maybe 016.HK would have stronger rebound later. Next month, both of them will declare final results/dividends. Let's see!^_^
don't worry just 1 % for my asset
Of course you should not be worried.Even I am always fully loaded with stocks but can sleep wells at night! ... because I like to hold "relatively better" stocks instead of cash. ^_^
I hope both 016.HK & 017.HK will make new highest prices in the future!^_^
意外地用腳支持了 BILLY 兄... 2000股咁大把!
本人投資經驗尚淺, 一直用致富做買賣, 因風險問題, 想另開一個股票戶口, 耀才證券是否OK?
因銀行手續費不便宜, 補充問先生用開那幾間股票行? 謝謝!
017.HK paid same interim div.(@HK$0.14/share) as last year.
回覆刪除But 016.HK paid more interim div.(@HK$1.25/share) than last year(@HK1.20/share).
If 017.HK also pay same final div. as last year, while 016.HK more final div., maybe 016.HK would have stronger rebound later.
Next month, both of them will declare final results/dividends. Let's see!
don't worry just 1 % for my asset
刪除Of course you should not be worried.
刪除Even I am always fully loaded with stocks but can sleep wells at night! ... because I like to hold "relatively better" stocks instead of cash.
I hope both 016.HK & 017.HK will make new highest prices in the future!
刪除意外地用腳支持了 BILLY 兄... 2000股咁大把!
刪除本人投資經驗尚淺, 一直用致富做買賣, 因風險問題, 想另開一個股票戶口, 耀才證券是否OK?
刪除因銀行手續費不便宜, 補充問先生用開那幾間股票行? 謝謝!