Will you also consider 941.HK; 762.HK or 728.HK? They have much higher dividend yields than 788.HK.
Btw, if 811.HK(=601811.SH) can breakthrough the 52-weeks highest HK$5.73, there may be a 15% more ahead, i.e. HK$5.73 x 115% = around HK$6.60!(Primary Target) Even at HK$6.60, its P/E =5.43 only
Will you also consider 941.HK; 762.HK or 728.HK? They have much higher dividend yields than 788.HK.
回覆刪除Btw, if 811.HK(=601811.SH) can breakthrough the 52-weeks highest HK$5.73, there may be a 15% more ahead, i.e. HK$5.73 x 115% = around HK$6.60!(Primary Target)
Even at HK$6.60, its P/E =5.43 only
刪除小心, 呢隻野向下炒, 向上無肉食, 空軍估優...
回覆刪除788日日過億元成交 誰接貨?
刪除同業763上個月高位我都good 左水, 呢隻難搞...
回覆刪除中興通訊 我不熟.