座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
和內子閑談 她說昨晚看了一段片 不夠十分鐘 但個KOL用了大部份時間人身攻擊他的對頭網紅。 在心理學來說 這正好表明那個KOL的內心處 亦明白對方是對的。 但一則不能接受自己的錯誤,二則對頭網紅正好講正他的拐點。所以只能老羞成怒以人身攻擊來掩飾自己的誤判。內子覺得奇怪 那位KOL是城中有名的飽學之士 為何也這樣不講道理? 人性在正常環境下可以克制得到。但一中死穴 本性喜吃人肉的 再難克制 讀得書多者 最多吃時用刀义!
900.HK is standing at HK$5.05.^^ It shall be ex. div.(@HK$0.22/share) on 12Oct2021.
Btw, seems 811.HK is accumulating its momentum at HK$5.75.^^
Eventually, 811.HK closed at HK$5.88(52-weeks new highest). It seems that the major shareholder is "urgently buying more of it". I don't know whether there will be privatization or not, ... sooner and later?
900.HK is standing at HK$5.05.^^
回覆刪除It shall be ex. div.(@HK$0.22/share) on 12Oct2021.
Btw, seems 811.HK is accumulating its momentum at HK$5.75.^^
刪除Eventually, 811.HK closed at HK$5.88(52-weeks new highest). It seems that the major shareholder is "urgently buying more of it". I don't know whether there will be privatization or not, ... sooner and later?