融創中國(1918)以每股15.18元 配售3.35億新股 集資50.8億元; 又以每股14.75元 減持1.58億股融創服務(1516) 套現23.3億元; 主席孫宏斌更對集團提供愈35億元免息貸款。三項行動合共為融創中國帶來109億元新資金營運。管理層對集團頗為盡責 尤其主席不借以私產助集團 值得一讚。可惜大市並不賣賬 執筆時融創中國股價跌了超過一成 融創服務跌了一成三 幸兩者均能守在配股價以上。
融創中國現價15.5元 巿盈率1.66倍 股息率12.68% 市值722.5億元。
融創服務現價14.8元 巿盈率47.7倍 股息率0.48% 市值441.5億元。
Overall China Property Developers Cos. are without prospects.
回覆刪除Some are even too difficult to survive!
Btw, 811.HK has prospects for its holding company always "look after" it:~
1. by repeatedly buying more shares of 811.HK from the open market.
2. is likely to inject new businesses into 811.HK(=601811.SH) as announced this morning.
Most of China Property Developers are too much bad news
刪除In short, their borrowing levels are too high over years!
刪除Btw, some "profit-making + very cash rich" companies:~
you got both of them (811 & 113)
刪除I won't recommend those I haven't.^^