座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
2020年底華人置業(127)持有788,689,000股中國恒大(3333)股票 以當時市價14.9元計 價值117.5億元。但恒大的最新巿價5.95元計 價值僅46.9億元 即華置要為這批恒大股票減值70.6億元 竟比華置現有市值61.2億元還多。但去年底華置股東資金287.5億元 就算為恆大股票減值後仍有215.1億元 市賬率0.28倍 頗具私有化誘因 股價這麼殘 已無集資供能 大股東佔貨近75% 街貨甚少。
Billy Sir, Under today's atmosphere, can 127.HK sell all its 3333.HK at market price?And if 127.HK cannot/do not sell its 127.HK, what will be the ultimate value of 3333.HK? These are interesting ...
Correction : And if 127.HK cannot/do not sell its 3333.HK, what will be the ultimate value of 127.HK?Are there any hidden investments in 127.HK's accounts?
I just talk without action
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除Under today's atmosphere, can 127.HK sell all its 3333.HK at market price?
And if 127.HK cannot/do not sell its 127.HK, what will be the ultimate value of 3333.HK?
These are interesting ...
Correction :
刪除And if 127.HK cannot/do not sell its 3333.HK, what will be the ultimate value of 127.HK?
Are there any hidden investments in 127.HK's accounts?
I just talk without action