座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
黃金: 無息收 坐貨機會成本高 若金價升得多 自然供應多 限制了升勢 因技術進步 好多本應因開採成本高而變成廢礦 有從新運作的價值。
港樓: 只要香港繼續繁榮 住樓是必需品 物業始終有其價值 但港樓已貴絕全球 要有象惜日的升幅率 已近乎無可能 何況將來怎樣補地價 相信現在無人會知道。
虛疑貨幣 個人認為是個騙局 視我為反面教材者 又多個賺錢項目可挑選 祝好運!
股票 應係最佳選擇 地域廣 種類多 套現易 優質股多如牛毛 但優質股也未必賺到錢 所以要買能賺的 至於怎樣才能買到 我都好想知!
778.HK is likely to pay higher dividend payout % in this year.
Btw,I strongly suggest that some HongKong real cash rich stocks should exercise a certain "share buybacks" to maximise shareholders' worth as a whole.^_^
I think the problem is how u allocate resources on property, gold, stock, crypto and bond in different ratio, but not to pick just one item in your investment.
778.HK is likely to pay higher dividend payout % in this year.
刪除I strongly suggest that some HongKong real cash rich stocks should exercise a certain "share buybacks" to maximise shareholders' worth as a whole.
I think the problem is how u allocate resources on property, gold, stock, crypto and bond in different ratio, but not to pick just one item in your investment.