座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
派送盈大(432)後 權益由70%降至40% 由附屬變聯營 電盈資產負債表少了111億債項 靚仔好多 盈大其實係雞肋 佔權益愈少 虧損就愈少.
出售NOW TV套現19.5億元 而每年又少2億元虧損.
李澤楷願5.2元增持 除中期息+除盈大權益 成本也在5字頭.
但須注意電盈的蟹貨由5元-120元都有 阻力重重.
電盈現價4.47元 市盈率50.6倍 股息率7.19% 市值345.5億元.
At present conditions, I prefer 941.HK first.941.HK's P/E is 7.X while updated dividend yield to shareholders should be around 7%p.a.It is a RMB cash rich stock.It is suitable for investors, other than america investors, looking for long run dividends income. ^_^
P.S. 1. 941.HK serves Mainland China people which is 4.X times america population.2. 941.HK is now already a leading 5G telecom company.
I still keep 941 3000shares.
At present conditions, I prefer 941.HK first.
回覆刪除941.HK's P/E is 7.X while updated dividend yield to shareholders should be around 7%p.a.
It is a RMB cash rich stock.
It is suitable for investors, other than america investors, looking for long run dividends income.
刪除1. 941.HK serves Mainland China people which is 4.X times america population.
2. 941.HK is now already a leading 5G telecom company.
I still keep 941 3000shares.