座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
網友student曾問我 <500元會否補回港交所 當時答:不會。食言主因 倉位太輕 心癢!😆
Billy Sir,Everyone knows you are playing games.^_^
Tonight, america new economy dragon head "Tesla, Inc." will be a focus.Tomorrow, ... ?
Tesla's CEO claims that Tesla's P/E will be only 20 in future.I recalculate 941.HK's 2020 P/E should be only 7.x, with expected dividend yield 7.31%p.a.(including 10% China Tax): HK$3.50/HK$47.90 x 100%
Anyway Tesla is an incredible stock
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除Everyone knows you are playing games.
Tonight, america new economy dragon head "Tesla, Inc." will be a focus.
刪除Tomorrow, ... ?
Tesla's CEO claims that Tesla's P/E will be only 20 in future.
刪除I recalculate 941.HK's 2020 P/E should be only 7.x, with expected dividend yield 7.31%p.a.(including 10% China Tax): HK$3.50/HK$47.90 x 100%
Anyway Tesla is an incredible stock