我係冇乜大志的人, 夠運上到淺岸後, 就不敢造次, 只有IPO領匯時做過孖展, 以為實食無黐牙, 借了七位數去博, 怎知就被個婆婆教訓了一頓, 無輸死但差點嚇死, 玩過show hand的網友皆知, 牌差不會傷到你老本, 怨家牌才會輸死人. 但放在投機市埸, 大鱷往往會造副好牌給你, 讓你誤判落重注, 大鱷才去牢了你, 又再有個友人中伏, 肯定她非最後一個. 因而有感而發. 衍生工具好多時比去賭場買大細還差, 買大細理論上仍有48%贏面, 衍生工具則隨各方大鱷心血來潮而定. 衍生工具只宜刀仔鋸大樹. 但如果你刀仔不多, 都係慎用為佳.
刪除Many years ago, I had only trading quite a little HSBC warrants when I was an investment beginner. But I felt that it need too much time & energy in watching every price movement, ... while the returns are not so much because win/lose is just "by chance".
回覆刪除Nowadays my strategy is optimistically holding relatively high dividend yield & good managed stocks for long run dividends income, and making reinvestment from the cash dividends received. I find this strategy workable & comfortable.
Good Luck to everybody!
刪除Billy Sir,
刪除I'm not a good trader and so really unsmart at all!
Maybe I have a little discipline and patience.
Why not just join them to be option short seller ?