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阿里(9988)股價跌回心宜價 補回四百股 看圖就超弱 纯以價值面去買。

現價159.5元 巿盈率19.3倍 市值34231億元。


2 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    Seems the problem now is that HK Stock Market is lack of momentum!

    As such, I prefer to hold those stocks with expected dividend yields at least >6%~8%p.a. in coming 1-year for dividend incomes. I hope this could at least compensate for around 1,500~2,000 points dropping down of HS Index.

    Of course, if HK Index can raise up to 30,000 points, 9988.HK's share price must be benefited. And we investors should always be with positive thoughts.^^
