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紐約油價於亞洲電子交易時段大跌, 一度失守19美元, 曾低見每桶18.03美元, 又係如我般[難賭二]手痕之時, 在香港上市的原油ETF, 分別有F三星原油期(3175)及FGX原油(3097), 兩者不是直接追蹤原油期貨價格, 而是分別追蹤標普高盛原油額外回報指數及標普高盛原油增強額外回報指數. 但與美國期油價格關係密切. 而前者市值28.34億元, 而後者市值1.57億元, 理論上前者自然買賣較易, 現價石油已低於不少產油國成本. 本人不排除下週買番多少賭下. 但要注要這係純賭博, 對手係全球專業大鱷, 風險不輕呀!

7 則留言:

  1. 老實講我唔識睇LA~ 琴日油大跌~ 但係油股照升~ 仲要唔係升少少~ 係要大升個隻~ 結果我平手走曬~ 真係唔識玩~

    1. 金價升,金曠股未必升,但黃金ETF必升.石油亦係如此.

    2. No exactly, gold etf hold Physical gold so gold etf must follow,

      But oil futures etf does not , they suffer future negative roll yield...

      As of the morning of April 17, there was a $6.42 difference between the price of the May and June 2020 NYMEX WTI contracts, meaning any investor looking to roll their position between the two would need to eat a 32% difference.

      For a fund like USO, which maintains a constant futures position that it must roll from month to month, that sort of roll differential can quickly erode its returns—or, in this case, exacerbate its losses.

      Meanwhile, there was only a $3.95 difference in price between the June and July 2020 NYMEX WTI contracts, leading to a roll cost of just 15%.

    3. Anyway ,I am a new one. maybe you are right.

    4. 3175 now hold 100% Jun future ( trade at 25.xx) while May future trades at 18.x

      So 3175 will not rise even now the oil price rise back to 25 from 18 as in future oil Jun market they believe the oil price will rise back
