座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
在新股熱潮中 甚麼股都大把人申請 借幾百萬元孖展去抽 招股書也賴看一眼 因大家都心知肚明 同是在玩鬥傻遊戲 我般貪心又怕輸者 只敢用實資去抽 近年就只抽中過一隻 上市後高追固然不敢 但對別人高追也無意見 因何為[高]就要事後才知 自己不夠勇也無為撥人冷水。但苦口婆心再多口說多句 要嚴格執行止蝕位。鬥傻遊戲不會太長久 人家一清腥 你就可能跑不掉。
這個物業超抵買😢 平過個車位 一千萬元(上車盤)😢😢香港樓價實在痴Q線 遲早出大事😢😢😢
688.HK is not just a China Property Developer.Just in 2018~2019, 688.HK had acquired 5 Kai Tak lands.Nowaday Tuen Mun new apartments are selling at HK$20000/sq.ft.Among those big China Property Developer Companies, I think 688.HK is much undervalued.
P.S. 688.HK shall be ex. final div. @HK$0.73/share two weeks later(24Jun2021).
I think 688 is one of the best China PPT
For y.e.31/12/2020:688.HK earned RMB4391918.HK earned RMB3562007.HK earned RMB350960.HK earned RMB200813.HK earned RMB1263333.HK earned RMB81123.HK earned RMB42
372呎 1000萬🤣😂😢
688.HK is not just a China Property Developer.
回覆刪除Just in 2018~2019, 688.HK had acquired 5 Kai Tak lands.
Nowaday Tuen Mun new apartments are selling at HK$20000/sq.ft.
Among those big China Property Developer Companies, I think 688.HK is much undervalued.
P.S. 688.HK shall be ex. final div. @HK$0.73/share two weeks later(24Jun2021).
刪除I think 688 is one of the best China PPT
刪除For y.e.31/12/2020:
刪除688.HK earned RMB439
1918.HK earned RMB356
2007.HK earned RMB350
960.HK earned RMB200
813.HK earned RMB126
3333.HK earned RMB81
123.HK earned RMB42
回覆刪除372呎 1000萬🤣😂😢