座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
終能補回中移動(941)三千股$48.9 股價雖走勢弱 但這個價買入 (市盈率7.8倍 股息率6.7%) 加上集團的質素 冇甚麼須要擔心。而近期我又有兩轉中移動盈利在手 連心理感覺也良好。
題外話:有狗狗幣之父之稱的Tesla CEO馬斯克在電視節目上稱狗狗幣是一個騙局.累得狗狗幣價格曾大幅調整。筆者對加密質幣所知不多 本不應多言 但深知政治比經濟更為重要 若他日加密貨幣威脅到各國中央銀行的存在價值 一紙行政命令就足以令加密貨幣玩完。網友要明解 我這酸葡萄的評價 可能會有所偏頗。
941.HK had been ex. final div. @HK$1.76/share* last week (3May2021).*including 10% China Tax.
Btw, among those "Big" China Property Developers Companies, such as 813.HK; 960.HK; 1109.HK; 2202.HK ..., in considering NAV, P/E ratio, Dividend Yield, Borrowing Level, ... 688.HK is seemed the "cheapest"(= "the best").
Of course ! I knew
Anyway 941 is cheaper than before.😁
941 真係靚仔...
好股 價也抵
941.HK had been ex. final div. @HK$1.76/share* last week (3May2021).
回覆刪除*including 10% China Tax.
Btw, among those "Big" China Property Developers Companies, such as 813.HK; 960.HK; 1109.HK; 2202.HK ..., in considering NAV, P/E ratio, Dividend Yield, Borrowing Level, ... 688.HK is seemed the "cheapest"(= "the best").
刪除Of course ! I knew
刪除Anyway 941 is cheaper than before.😁
刪除941 真係靚仔...
回覆刪除好股 價也抵