座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
股評家呂志華先生說要小心美股 它升未必能益到港股 但若跌港股大有可能跟到足。況且美股已處於歷史上最長的牛市 早入市者大把籌碼在手當然無有怕 但現今才去入市就要格外小心。美股有幾牛. 在不久前美股、港股均同約在三萬點水平 現今卻相差逾六千點。有傳盈富基金(2800)換基理人 這也合理 若盈富基金不能跟足恆指 必然失去其成立原意。騰訊(700)季績看似不俗 但要看埋今天與分析員會面後 才能有進一步的了解。
I see there are many Hongkongers are america's followers: they like america stocks more than locals, ... even that they are more expensive(with much higher P/E) and followers have to trade america stocks at midnights.^^
If they can get the profit ,nothing will worry about it.
I see there are many Hongkongers are america's followers: they like america stocks more than locals, ... even that they are more expensive(with much higher P/E) and followers have to trade america stocks at midnights.^^
回覆刪除If they can get the profit ,nothing will worry about it.