座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
華置市值約43億元, 劉氏家族佔了75%, 街貨不足11億元, 因涉及恆大債 股。 華置的股價已跌得好殘,小注買入考下眼光和運氣。
Billy Sir,Have you calculated: if 127.HK total loss in all related 3333.HK investments, what would be 127.HK's updated NAV/share?
P.S. I mean refer to its 30/6/2021's accounts.
I did
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除Have you calculated: if 127.HK total loss in all related 3333.HK investments, what would be 127.HK's updated NAV/share?
P.S. I mean refer to its 30/6/2021's accounts.
刪除I did