座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
Potential stocks with chance of privatization:113.HK; 398.HK (Retail cash cows) 163.HK; 878.HK (Properties Holding; Low PB; Major shareholder holds almost 75% shareholding of each)626.HK; 900.HK (Bank & Loan Shark)450.HK (Industry)811.HK (=601811.SH; China Education & Publishing)^_^
Potential stocks with chance of privatization:
回覆刪除113.HK; 398.HK (Retail cash cows)
163.HK; 878.HK (Properties Holding; Low PB; Major shareholder holds almost 75% shareholding of each)
626.HK; 900.HK (Bank & Loan Shark)
450.HK (Industry)
811.HK (=601811.SH; China Education & Publishing)