座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
Speculative investors always focus on those "star" retail stocks such as 178.HK, 341.HK and 345.HK, but ignoring fundamental financial data. Besides 113.HK, 398.HK is also another "true" retail cash cow.Good Night & Luck!^_^
P.S. I can only sleep well at nights upon holding "true" cash cows. ^_^
Thank you so much
Speculative investors always focus on those "star" retail stocks such as 178.HK, 341.HK and 345.HK, but ignoring fundamental financial data.
回覆刪除Besides 113.HK, 398.HK is also another "true" retail cash cow.
Good Night & Luck!
P.S. I can only sleep well at nights upon holding "true" cash cows. ^_^
刪除Thank you so much