

內地一線城市樓價升幅 最大是廣州按年升8.6% 按月升了1%。即時想起地頭蟲 越秀地產(123) 基本條件一流 入了五萬股作貨底 遲些5合1股亦有利基金買入 現價1.83元 市盈率5.59倍 股息率6.55% (其中末期息0.063元 六月四日才除淨) 市值283億元.

據傳中移動(941)快將回歸A股 涉資高達800億元 若傳聞屬實 將能釋放中移動被低估的價值 現價50.65元 市盈率8倍 股息率6.49% 市值10370億元.


3 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    My straight thinkings:

    1. It seems 123.HK management want to "do better" the share price. In fact, some big China Property Developers Cos are undervalued, ... especially 688.HK: its parent company is now beginning to buy more shares from the open market.

    2. 941.HK is already cash rich. It seems that going back to Shanghai by issuing "around 5% more shares" is just a nominal listing.

    Besides, it may dilute NAV/share if the A share listing is under its present NAV/share. (AT 31Dec2020, 941.HK's NAV = RMB56/share.)

    1. Btw, 811.HK(=601811.SH) is making 52-weeks new high, but it think it may even hit HK$6.25(3-years highest) or even make a breakthrough ......

      At 31Dec2020, its NAV = HK$9.8/share and it earned around RMB1 per share per year over past 2 years.

      That's all!
      Just my little thinkings, please don't mind.^^

    2. Anyway the management of 123 are so far so good😁
