
投機只有成敗 並冇對錯

75 76年間香港有位地產商超進取 與人合作發展物業 人出地 佢出$起樓 賣樓後盈利分一半給對方 若蝕本他受晒 而早前定好的地價照付給對方. 這樣做法好處是資金可極度運用 小本做大事 無槓捍之名 實有槓捍之實. 而且博得好盡 事後孔明 當然知此法是超好的財技. 但在當時來看 確是一項極高風險的投機 這位發展商叫李嘉誠。此做法風險有多高 用地皮作抵押取融資 作為建築費 整項發展完成後 物業賣得好 固然賺到盆滿缽滿 但若有差錯就極危險。李生博到了 人家叫他超人 若博輸了........。當然世間只有成敗 沒有對錯。

9 則留言:

  1. 中移動回A股了?傳計劃發行不超過9.65億A股 佔已發行普通股4.5%

    1. It is such a small number of shares. It seems that this is a symbol/nominal listing!

      728.HK is already under the procedures, but its recent share price is disappointing.

      Anyway, Congratulations to Billy Sir! (He has bought 941.HK last week.)


    2. Btw,

      1. At this moment, 2628.HK has >60% discounts of its A share(601628.SH). It shall be ex. div. @RMB0.64/share on 7Jul2021.

      2. 811.HK(=601811.SH) is making 52-weeks new highest. It shall be ex. div. @RMB0.31/share on 26May2021.

      Good Luck Everybody!

    3. P.S.

      3. 450.HK hit HK$1.42(new 52-weeks highest) at this morning. It shall be ex. div. @HK$0.10/share on 28May2021.

    4. I still got 50000shares 450😁

    5. I guess/feel that some months later, 2628.HK(=601628.SH) will be subject to an upward revaluation by our stock market.

      I suggest "never forget it".^^
