
Every dog has his day.

長和近年傷盡fans心 今天終籍箸出售歐州電訊基建資產消息(仍末落實) 股價大升4.25元或8.76% 長和Nav高達120.4元 市價才52.75元 每出售一項資產 只要不虧損 對長和的影響均屬正面 而李家父子都算公正 近期只增至長實(1113) 無增持長和(001) 並無做春江鴨行為.

長和現價52.75元 市盈率5.1倍 股息率6% 市值2034億元.

利益申報: 本人持有長和股票權益.

8 則留言:

  1. I wonder why no any analyst mentioning 001.HK's Husky Energy 3rd quarter 2020 results. It announced on 30Oct2020. It posted a loss of CAD7.081 Billion! 001.HK has to suffer a certain proportion of this loss in this 3Q20. (The Husky-Cenovus Merger will only be occurred in early of 2021!)

    Certainly, now 001.HK can cover all of this loss by above deal.

    But 001.HK's NAV/share must have a discount when taking into account Husky's results in this 2020.

    1. P.S. Husky was already suffered a significant loss in Jan~Jun2020. If we consider the present oil price (still only around US$40), it is not unusual to predict Husky's results in this 4th quarter 2020 is still making losses.

    2. 001.HK is "cheap", but it have too many old economy stocks.

      For long run investors, 941.HK & 1883.HK are "cheap", high dividend yields, and both of them are purely focus on telecommunication businesses.
