

本地經濟環境差 不利地產業 這和媽媽是女人一樣 有誰不知? 但看埋地產股的財務數據 你就會發覺其實地產股好抵買.

新地市價$101.9(Nav$197.3); 長實$38.15($93.2); 恆基$29.3($66.2); 信和$9.4($20.5); 新世界$37.45($83.5); 恆隆$20.3($30.8); 九置$33.7($71.2); 希慎$26.05($74.3).

其實地產股最有利的投資行動 就是回購自身股份 不為者實在對不起股東呀! 

香港股市卻和本地經濟情況如平行時空 各行各路 當然其主因是港股已是中國新科股的天下 今天恆指收報25695 大升809點 大成交1766億元 皆大歡喜!.

12 則留言:

  1. Recently, only 014.HK is exercising "share buybacks".

    Much like 014.HK!


    1. P.S. 014.HK is developing a "luxury residental" land (actually these are 2 lands bought in 2016, average cost HK$25,000/sq.ft.

      I guess once this project is sold, 014.HK would have much more available cash for paying annual dividends.

      I guess 014.HK's annual dividend yield can be 7%p.a.(at today's closing price HK$26.25), i.e. @HK$1.84/share, at 2022 and thereafter. (now is HK$1.44/share)

      I see 014.HK is more attractive than REITS.


    2. Correction again:

      Average cost should be <HK$7,000/sq.ft.

    3. My expected selling price of this Tai Po project is >HK$25,000/sq.ft.

  2. All hk property stock seem seldom buy back...dont know why...

    May be they think they can earn much more by investing to land?

    1. Plutocrats control more assets as the primary purpose

    2. With such significant discounts, exercising "share buybacks" and cancelling them can immediately maximising NAV/share.

      If buying a high costly land at open market and developing them for few years(usually 4~5 years), there are full of uncertainties.

      I think one of the reasons that 014.HK's share price was not performing good over past 3 years(highest market price was >HK$45!) is more or less due to the Tai Po project.

    3. Buying back company's shares and cancelling them is fair to all shareholders and it would also increase the shareholding % of the major shareholder. No controlling interest is affected. Of course, provided the company has enough idle cash to exercise "share buybacks".

    4. the whole company cost 27.3billion only.
      very undervalued.

  3. Any comment on 1972? I find it’s lands in Admiralty very valuable. Other land in island east and mainland are not bad too
