

中移動A升幅輕微 H股走勢亦不付預計中強勁 中移動H 流通量只有27% 再回購10% 理論上街貨更乾 但10%回購是最大限額 實際會買多少都未能肯定 市勢混亂 不貪心 50.25元沽出 淨袋6087元 新年首宗交易 取番過好意頭先。今早好象時光倒流 匯控、中移動兩大前股王 成了焦點 可惜他們影響力已大不如前 加埋不夠恆指一成份額 股價更叻都扺不過ATMXJ的弱勢。納指去年升了近三成 我們的恆科!😂 執筆時恆科又跌穿歷史新低!😂🤣

5 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir, why not hold it longer? ... It seems that 941.HK would not drop to <HK$50 easily, especially before 7Feb2022.

    Today most big size low PE + high dividend yield stocks are looked excellent. This is healthy.

    1. When 941 below $47 , why you don't buy more ?

    2. Billy Sir, that's another consideration by that time.

      Just a little sharing:

      941.HK had new big news yesterday evening. I think from now on, we have to take this into consideration.

      Btw, I already had 728.HK when 941.HK was below HK$47 over past 2 months.

      I chose 728.HK rather than 941.HK. I still hold it now, and is mentally prepared for receiving its dividend income.

      Just my little thinkings.^^

    3. 941 it don't my business any more
