

有前輩說股價只有在買入和賣出時才有意義 股息才是硬道理。騰訊2005年首次派息每股0.014元(經調整) 期後股息年年有增無減 不計近日派送京東股票 去年派息每股1.6元 股息比當年增加了114倍 若以當年(2004年)IPO價0.74元計 去年股息率高達216%。致於股價就更加升幅驚人 以最高價775元計 股價升了1046倍 若以現價473元計 股價也升了638倍。 

4 則留言:

  1. Stock markets are dynamic!

    I think the share price/dividend in N years ago of a particular stock is a past tense for most present investors.

    The recipe of calculating dividend yield of a listed stock are simply its present market price and (expected) annual dividend payout.

  2. 050.HK may diversify its business into medical aesthetics.
    If so, would it have a target? ... I'm thinking ~~~
