

據TVB財經台報導今年第三季 外資透過ADS持有阿里巴巴22.55%權益  在季內共減持了1.7億股ADS 涉及資金逾一千一百七十億港元 難怪阿里的股價弱成如此。而直至上個交易天 花旗(香港)銀行仍持有31.1億股阿里(9988)股票 市值超過三千七百億港元。而阿里最大股東SoftBank Group Corp.(持有24.8%) 用甚麼名義持貨就不得而知 但應仍未有減持 我就耐心靜待入貨時機。目標在一百港元左右價  因一齊頭會有好多血肉長城盤去爭買。但就寧願買不成 也不願給外資有較高價套現。

*2014年9月,阿里巴巴(BABA)於美國上市 定價68美元 現價125美元。

 2019年11月,阿里巴巴(9988)於香港第二上市 定價176港元 現價120.6港元。

4 則留言:

  1. 回覆
    1. IPO prices reflected market atmospheres by that time, and are usually overvalued.

      Why "usually overvalued"? ... If IPO price is not >fully valued, the founder may withdraw the listing!

    2. Btw, 6896.HK was dropped from around HK$2.6~2.7 to now HK$1.6~1.7 ... if at least 1/3 rebound can be happened, that means it may raise to at least around HK$1.6~1.7 + HK$0.33 = HK$1.93~2.03

    3. The Group was principally involved in the manufacture and sale of pharmaceutical, healthcare food and other products. Too complex for me
