

恆生指數中午收報23,175 跌300點 成交額 774億元。港股連早期強勢的比亞迪都鼎不著 弱勢明顯 與其陰乾式漸跌 倒不如一跌到底 待火鳳凰般重生。

港股兩極化 一些有底有息的我就無驚過 中移動、希慎股價最好跌深些 讓我有溝貨機會 而一些憧憬股 就算沒有甚麼黑天鵝 灰犀牛出現 又憧憬真的能成真 它們現今的股價 已充份預支了好多年後的合理價值。風險其高的某些夢幻股 一旦投資者夢醒 股價可能只較一文不值好不了多少。

1 則留言:

  1. Just a little sharing:~

    032.HK has significant investments in 708.HK; 3333.HK; many debentures, ... etc.

    Its 2021 1st half year results were pretty good! ...

    But I am afraid its 2nd half year results would turn bad significantly ... when I compare the the present share prices of 708.HK/3333.HK with that at 30/6/2021.

    In short, only safe investments can make me sleeping well at nights.^^
