

恆地看來極度看好中區商厦 除了本身已持有國金商業中心45%權益外 又先後斥資逾七百億元 購入兩幅超級靚地 一躍而成港資財團之中區地王*。

但有點確令筆者感到疑域 就是恆地主席宣稱 最新購入的超級地王 發展成本僅為630億元? 地價已佔508億元 即建築費+融資成本是122億元 並不大合理。整個發展涉及161萬平方呎樓面面積 即平均每呎建築費7577元 甲級商廈用料必然為最上等貨式 而且整項發展期超過十年 期間材料及人工怎不會增加  項目還涉及一個六層高的水族館及不少基建 還有期間的融資成本 122億元 怎夠?

*中區商廈有價 最大得益是置地公司 集團在中區擁有485萬平方呎甲級商廈 比恆地還多出近一百三十萬平方呎 是中區第一大地主。可惜置地在星交所上市 交易不易!

9 則留言:

  1. 012.HK claimed it "will invest HK$63B to develop ..."

    It seems HK$63B is just the development cost, excluding the land cost. If so, it has already taken into account the inflation.

    1. P.S. 012.HK claimed that it would be a 10-years project, ... estimated completion year: 2032

    2. P.S. By that time, Ocean Park 2.0 would be at Central.^^

  2. Few years ago, 012.HK bought the Central carpark building land at around HK$50,000/sq.ft. Now it buys another Central land at HK$31,500/sq.ft. I wonder whether it has to make any provision for loss of diminution in value of the carpark building land in coming 2021 year end accounts.

    Seems the market tells us whether its management decisions are favourable or not.

    It's odd that local Property Developers Companies prefer buying high costly lands in open market ... rather than exercising "share buybacks" at >50% discounts of NAV!

    1. "Share buybacks" can maximise the EPS and NAV/share immediately. It should be more energetic and aggressive than buying high costly lands.
